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Dr. Andrew Huang Performs His 300th Inspire Procedure at Townsen Memorial

Dr. Andrew Tsao Huang, MD FACS, is an Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery specialist as well as an Associate Professor at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. After finishing his undergraduate and medical degree (MD) at the University of Miami (FL), he went on to do his residency at Virginia Commonwealth University followed by fellowship training at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, achieving certifications from the American Board of Otolaryngology, the American Head and Neck Society, and a fellowship from the American College of Surgeons.

A Proud Member of the Townsen Memorial Health System

In early September of this year, our esteemed Dr. Andrew Huang performed his 300th Inspire procedure. This procedure has helped thousands of people across the country manage their symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. As a condition that affects millions of adults in America alone, this is an impressive feat made by one of our own. 

We are proud to have Dr. Huang working with Townsen Memorial Health System and would like to congratulate him on this achievement. We are looking forward to his bright future and thank him for helping make our goal of accessible and patient-centered healthcare happen.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA for short, is a disorder that affects an estimated 39 million adults in the U.S. and over a billion worldwide. Not only is OSA a significant cause of poor sleep, it also is associated with early heart attack, stroke, and death if left untreated. 

It commonly happens because the soft tissue in the airway collapses during sleep resulting in blockage to the windpipe, blocking the passage of air. This often leads to snoring or other disruptive events, such as waking up due to lack of oxygen. Other common symptoms of OSA include: feeling tired or exhausted when waking up, sleepiness during the day, mood changes or disorders, disruptions to brain function, headaches, and insomnia. If untreated, OSA can increase the risk of other health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, kidney disease, and stroke.

The Wonder of The Inspire Procedure

While there are many ways to treat OSA, through lifestyle changes or positive airway pressure (PAP) machines, The Inspire procedure has opened a better way of treatment for those with this condition. Compared to a PAP machine, this implant addresses the problem from the root of the cause. It sends gentle pulses that move the tongue out of the way, allowing for better airflow and intake during sleep.

The Inspire procedure is a minimally invasive surgery that can be done as an outpatient. Often taking an estimated 90 minutes, an Inspire-trained doctor makes two small incisions to place the implant near the collarbone and connects it to a nerve that controls the tongue. With some over-the-counter pain medication, those who undergo this procedure recover within just a few days.

Let Townsen Memorial Be Your Partner in Healthcare

At Townsen Memorial Health System, we put the needs of our patients above everything. We seek out the latest innovations in the medical field to provide the best possible healthcare solutions, and offering the Inspire Procedure is a testament to that.  


With OSA affecting many people across the country, we want to help by providing an effective, long-term solution for their healthcare needs. With many experienced doctors on our team, like our very own Dr. Huang, we are able to provide the most advanced personalized care. Let Townsen Memorial Health System be your partner in achieving a healthier life and experience excellence in healthcare every step of the way. Do you or someone you love suffer from OSA? Get in touch with us today to inquire about the Inspire Procedure.