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4th Of July Safety – Boats & Fireworks

Summer is all about spending time in the sun, being on the water and seeing friends and family. From celebrating on the 4th of July to Friday night barbecues, there’s no shortage of good times. However, along with the games and relaxation, safety can sometimes be overlooked. It is important to always be aware of the risk that comes along with long days in the sun, boat rides and fireworks. Luckily, there are easy steps you can take to make sure your summer is smooth sailing.  

Boat Safety

While spending the day swimming, cruising and tubing on a boat is blast, it can go south quickly if the right safety measures are not being followed. There are many to preparations to be aware of before setting off for the day and rules to follow while you are out in the water, including:

  • Always wear the correct size life jackets & have enough for every person in attendance (even if he/she knows how to swim)
  • Make sure you have everything you need on your boat, especially water, food and a first aid kit
  • Do not drink & drive a boat
  • Know your limits & use common sense in decisions, specifically in regards to weather & dangerous currents
  • When tubing, water-skiing, etc. always have a spotter & use common hand signals

Following these guidelines is extremely important for the safety & wellbeing of everyone involved in your boating day. In 2019, the Coast Guard counted 4,168 accidents that involved 613 deaths, 2,559 injuries and approximately $55 million dollars of damage to property as a result of recreational boating accidents. Staying alert, using common sense and following standard boating/water safety rules will be the key to a perfect, easy-going day on the water.

Firework Safety

With the 4th of July quickly approaching, it’s important to follow recommended guidelines when using fireworks of any kind. 

While no 4th of July celebration is complete without fireworks, it is important to follow all safety guidelines when using them. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission in 2018, there were 9,100 firework-related injuries treated in hospitals all across the United States. To avoid the summer celebration ending with an Emergency Room trip, follow these guidelines from the CPSC:

  • Never allow young children to directly play with or ignite the fireworks
  • Always have adults supervise firework activities, including the use of sparklers 
  • Never hover over a firework when lighting
  • Always back up to a safe distance (approximately 30ft) after lighting
  • Never try to re-light or pickup fireworks that did not fully ignite
  • Never point or throw at another person
  • Keep a bucket of water available in case of fire
  • Never carry fireworks in your pocket or shoot them off in a container
  • Douse the used fireworks in water before throwing away to prevent a trash fire
  • Only use legal fireworks 

Summer Activities With Covid-19

In addition to boating and firework safety, it is important to remember that COVID-19 is still a threat. Throughout days at the lake, summer barbecues and 4th of July celebrations, please continue to social distance and wear a mask whenever possible. If you start showing symptoms including but not limited to a fever, dry cough and shortness of breath, call your doctor and do not venture out into the community until further instruction. 

Townsen Memorial Hospital Is Here For You

At Townsen Memorial Hospital in Humble, TX, our medical staff is trained to care for and treat any injuries, including those from boating and firework accidents. You can find us off of 59N and FM 1960 at the corner of 1960 & Townsen Rd. for 24/7 emergency care. To learn more, visit our website or call 1-877-494-9487.

Keeping Your Children Safe During Back To School

Back to school looks different this year for everyone–parents, kids, teachers and school staff alike. Whether you’re homeschooling, virtually learning, or sending your child back to school in-person, one thing that’s likely on your mind is how to make sure they’re safe. While there isn’t one sure-fire solution to protecting your child from COVID-19, there are many things you can do, and that you can teach your son or daughter to do, to help protect them. 

Physical Distancing

School provides tremendous social benefits. However, one of the biggest ways to slow the spread of COVID-19 is through physical distancing. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends children and adults remain six feet apart. 

You can use visual aids and practice to teach your children how to interact with others at school while maintaining a safe distance. Start by explaining to them why they need to stay six feet away from their peers and teachers. You can then help them measure six feet with a measuring tape and find something of theirs that measures that length, like a favorite stuffed animal or toy. Another option is to have them guess what is 6 feet from where they are standing. For other ways to teach your children how to socially distance safely, click here

Wear A Mask

According to the CDC, “when used consistently and correctly, along with important mitigation strategies, cloth face coverings are important to help slow the spread of COVID-19.” Cloth face masks help prevent the spread of respiratory droplets and can help protect your child and the rest of your family if someone does come to school, knowingly or not, infected with COVID-19. 

Additionally, face masks are exceedingly important during times when proper physical distancing is difficult to maintain. Getting your child used to wearing a mask and teaching them not to touch or remove their mask while at school is one way you can mitigate their risk and others’.

Sanitize And Wash Hands Frequently

For both adults and children, frequent and thorough hand-washing is important in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses. Teach your children not only how to wash their hands, but the key times to do it, such as after using the restroom, before and after eating, when returning home from public areas, before touching their face or mouth, after touching pets and garbage and more. Plus, practicing these four easy steps will help younger and older children alike remember how to wash their hands effectively:

  1. Get your hands wet in clean water and put soap on your hands to make suds. 
  2. Rub. Rub rub rub your soapy hands together long enough to sing “Happy Birthday” in your head twice. Clean your palms, the back of your hands, and between your fingers. And don’t forget to clean under your nails, as they can trap dirt and germs.
  3. Hold your hands under clean, running water and rub them to rinse them fully.
  4. Shake your hands a few times, then dry them with a clean towel or hand dryer. 

Disinfect Supplies

Something you can do to help prevent exposure is to disinfect and sanitize your child’s school supplies, including their lunchbox, pencils, crayons, books, binders and more. This can help keep other members of your family safe as well. You can also ask your child’s teacher what they’re doing to ensure the furniture and supplies kept at school are cleaned. 

Limit Sharing

While we all learn the importance of sharing in school, this year is bound to look a little bit different. Explain to your child that right now, they shouldn’t be sharing supplies, clothing (including masks) or food with others. Doing so spreads germs and viruses like COVID-19. 

Rely On Your Neighbors At Townsen Memorial Hospital

At Townsen Memorial, your care and comfort is our priority.Our team is well-versed in infectious diseases, and can care for you or a loved one if you are experiencing severe symptoms of COVID-19. 

Conveniently located in Humble, off of FM 1960 and Highway 59, our team of certified medical professionals are available for your emergency, clinical or hospital care.To learn more, visit our website or call 1-877-494-9487.

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus: How To Protect Yourself

A coronavirus is a type of virus with many different strains that may or may not cause disease. However, last year’s outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, now referred to as SARS-CoV-2, has caused an outbreak of respiratory illness called COVID-19. While a disease outbreak such as this can be frightening, there are steps you can take to protect yourself.

How Is Covid-19 Spread? 

Currently, the spread of this coronavirus is being studied and monitored closely by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization, and other medical centers around the world. Declared a public health emergency in January, it is still unknown how contagious the virus is, but it is believed to have originated from an animal, but may be passed from person to person.

Covid-19 Symptoms:

To clarify, early studies have shown that symptoms begin appearing in the afflicted within 14 days. Common symptoms include:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Respiratory Problems (i.e. Pneumonia)
  • In severe cases, Kidney Failure or Death

However, if you’ve traveled to Wuhan, China and are experiencing these symptoms, contact a medical healthcare provider immediately. For everyone’s safety, be sure to call before you go, explaining your recent travels and symptoms.

How To Protect Yourself

Above all, the best way to protect yourself from contracting COVID-19 is to follow these suggestions from the CDC.

  • If you’re sick, stay at home.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, for a minimum twenty seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer where soap and water aren’t available.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth or nose with unwashed hands.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, and immediately throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Frequently clean and disinfect high-activity surfaces.

Myths About Covid-19

Most importantly, with all of the information available, it can be hard to decipher what is and isn't true about this illness. Make sure you stay informed about the disease and don’t fall for common myths:

  • A vaccine for COVID-19 is not currently available. Scientists are working to develop one, but creating a safe vaccine for humans can take several months.
  • You cannot prevent COVID-19 with bleach, acetic acid, steroids, essential oils, salt water, ethanol or other substances. These practices can be dangerous and don’t actually prevent you from contracting the illness.
  • The 2019 Novel Coronavirus was not intentionally created or released by people. Viruses adapt over time. Occasionally, an outbreak occurs when a virus commonly found in an animal evolves and passes to humans. It is highly likely that this is how this virus originated.
  • People are not dying from this coronavirus in many countries. As a result, only four people from countries other than China have died.
  • Ordering products from China will not get you sick. Researchers are working diligently to determine how COVID-19 is spread. New information is emerging daily, but as of now, scientists do not believe that the virus can live for long on surfaces. It is likely that the disease is spread from an infected person’s sneeze or cough.

Trust Your Medical Professionals

If you’ve recently traveled to China and are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, don’t panic. It’s important to remember that while 1,775 deaths have been caused by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, more than 11,300 people have recovered from the illness.

Overall, medical institutions from across the globe are monitoring this disease very closely and are taking steps to prevent it from spreading.

Furthermore, at Townsen Memorial, your care and comfort is our priority. Conveniently located in Humble, off of FM 1960 and Highway 59, our team of certified medical professionals are available for your emergent, clinical or hospital care. To learn more, visit our website or call 1-877-494-9487.